Friday, March 16, 2007

Re-run with pretties!

Phew! The microwave is whirring away in the background, my hands are dusted with talc and the kitchen smells faintly of warm, moist wool - This can mean only one thing..

I've been dyeing again! =D

Or, more accurately, in the process of dyeing again! The microwave tings every now and then prompting me to leap up from the computer and swap fiber bowls around, rinse etc.. See, it turns out that the 200g or so of fiber I've dyed and spun up for skoota's (ever-approaching) birthday giftie does NOT look like it'll be enough! Alright, don't panic.. I have a plan! I've taken tomorrow off work - and all day I plan to spin, knit and create funtasteric celebratory treats!! Wheee! hehe This of course also results in a three day weekend and a potential sleep-in, neither of which are to be sneezed at. ;)

A couple of pretties to share too - yum yum for my tum! A trip to the shops after work today with a friend of mine left us both with some delightful new additions to our homes/wardrobes. We hit the mega store first for the massive homewares sale that was on, so my chica could stock up with great new gadgets and items for her new place she's moving to soon (so far away over in NSW!! Waahh!!) and I got into the homewares spirit too with a new (and much needed) quilt cover! I saw it in the cattle-dog (read: "catalogue") as we poured over it at lunchtime (she was pointing out all the bargainus things she planned to nab!) and adored it - so fresh and lovely. Plus we're down to only a few quilt covers which can make things a little monotonous - something snappy required, and at around half price why not?!
quilt cover serving
As you can see, the packaging recommends an immaculate bedroom with matching streamlined reed lamps, candles, 73 pillows, no creases in the sheets and the bedroom walls painted to match. I don't know that we'll be following quite that serving suggestion but I'm thrilled to have delicious new white sheets!!

I've been feeling lately that I need a little injection of newness, fun and such into my wardrobe, so am chuffed to have picked up (at bargain price) 3 tops! yay!
new shirts!
I was practically minded and picked three that will be work/play/fancy friendly for the most part - gotta love that versatility! I'm a particular fan of the golden and silver embossing printed onto clothing - this one's on a simple long white tee and looks so crisp and bright - plus it's in a viney style pattern :)
Picture sashcam 332
Post-purchasement we headed to Sushi Station Fuji for some grub. I'd never been to Fuji before but heard great things, particularly on Yin's blog! It certainly didn't disappoint - scrummy vegie tempura.. mmmmm..!

And to top off my outing-filled evening I stopped past Helen's for a yarny chin-wag, some super-tempting-delicious sock yarn ogling (Petals sock club and anniversary edition yarn) and of course to pick up the 2.5mm DPNs I need to get cracking on the *shhhhh!!* birthday socks *grin*
new knitting goodies
It was lovely to catch up with Helen again, chatting with a fellow knitter is always such an exciting conversation filled with exclamations over this and that, and of course sharing of knowledge and advice. Helen shared more than advice of course, being the generous knitterly pal she is! I started my journey home with my addi DPNs, but also three of her knitting books to borrow and a ball of Jo Sharp Silk Road Ultra to sample for when I knit Cleaves up!
borrowed books
The bonus is depending on the weekend's layout I may get to catch up with her and all the other faaabulous knitters again at Citiknits this Saturday! yay! I have to say I'm loving the fortnightly schedule - a month always seemed so long to wait!

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