Saturday, January 09, 2010


Western Sunset

I'm snatching a moment amongst a busy birthday (27 today!) to send a quick HELLO! and tell you all that I am in fact still on this planet, happy, healthy, crafting along well and hope you all are too!

We've just seen Fantastic Mr Fox at the movies (one of my all time favourite books) and now we're going to have some lunch, a swim and then head off for a Hawaiian Luau style bbq at the water front!



eriven said...

Happy birthday! Sounds like you have the perfect day planned :)

malaraky said...

Happy birthday, a little late, from Canada! I saw Fantastic Mr Fox in December and loved it. I hope your birthday has involved some good yarny fun as well.

Ann said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Unknown said...

It is really wonderful scene. I want to be there to see it. Thanks a lot for sharing.
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