Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Winkie Squares

I've spent some time lately learning how to crochet; first chains, half double crochet, and I have now learned the classic Granny Square!

maiden crochet

When I flew back home recently, I had returned for the day to give support to my family and attend the funeral of a wonderful great aunt of mine - known as Aunty Winkie. I think I will always think of Granny Squares as Winkie Squares as she was as sunshiney, reliable, versatile and free as my first Granny Square. What a wonderful memory to embed into a fibre art :)


2paw said...

A special square with special memories and a lovely legacy!!

Anonymous said...

Winkie Squares
your are a treasure to family and via versa.
thank you for putting with big happy on my face

oh any thing can become a Winkie with a Winkie square to start you off'
Winkie coats or Blankets