Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Have Yourself a Mini Mitten Christmas

Whiskers on kittens and... mini festive mittens, yes there's just something about them, isn't there?

Mini mittens (3)

So teensy! So cute!

Mini mittens

I only knit the one item for Christmas gifting this year; this wee pair of mittens.
They are so adorable though, I may have to knit an entire battalion of them for next festive season. Battalion? Flock? Drift? What would be the collective noun for mittens I wonder..?

Mini mittens (2)

Hoping you all enjoyed a hearty, healthy, happy and contented festive time with your loved ones.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Too Funny, Too Forgetful!

Oh dear...

After my last post I went to Ravely to add the rainbow yarn to my 'stash' page - and what should I find...?

Fine with Rainbows

Yes, there it is! I had already entered it in to Ravely and named it something entirely different! Hahaha! Just shows what this industry has done to my brain - I'm so scatter brained nowadays!

Frictal Fractal

I discovered I had a wee amount of rainbow wool on an abandoned bobbin from literally years ago. This is the same rainbow tops from which I spun the white rainbow and the intense rainbow, but eons before spinning those two I had begun spinning a singles yarn changing colours through the rainbow.


It is only a weeny wee skein, made by navajo-ing the very thin singles.


For some reason it makes me think of fractals. It makes me think of refraction of light through one of those pyramid shaped prisms.

Set 2
Goodness knows what I will do with it as it is only 30m of fingering weight (light fingering at that!) but I'm sure I will find something :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Festive knits

I am only knitting one Christmas gift this year - contrary to my original plans. A few weeks ago I placed an order for some yarn, planning a knit for EVERYONE! But then realised that therein lie beasties and monsters of stressed anxious times and unfinished gifts, being that it is already part way through December!

So instead I am leaving the yarn for next year's gifts, which of course I wil commence knitting EARLY in 2011, or even straight after Chrissie!

But I might still knit a few little Christmas goodies... just a few... and very little...

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Peaceful Happy Tasmanian Fibre

To appease myself after returning to the Pilbara from our glorious time away in Tasmania I decided a little parcel of Tassie fluff might be just the ticket. I wanted Tasmanian fluff not just fluff sent from a store in Tasmania and I found Tasmanian House of Fibre to have all sorts of goodies!

It was so lovely to come home from work one day with a squooshy parcel waiting for me!
FIbre Fest
(apologies for blue-rinse photo effect!)

I purchased some undyed fibre to dye up myself here, but time has not been as free and easy as I always optimistically think it will be so I haven't played with that yet. The Mount Roland dyed fibre is absolutely luscious - I would say the softest most delicious fibre I've played with yet!

I wanted a stress-free spin with the Mount Roland as life has been very full on lately. But I just couldn't spin so I was happy with it. Too thick, too uneven, little coils and I couldn't decided what personality the yarn had.
Last night I decided on a nice thin yarn that I will navajo in to around a fingering weight. It must have been the right choice because it is going marvellously :)

Unfortunately my lovely shweetie has to head back south and have some time off work for a while and, as he'll be taking the car, Arthur (my spinning wheel) must go with him as he is too cumbersome and fragile for the plane - WOE! I must enjoy the spinning while I can!

p.s I'm sure I took a photo of my single spun Mount Roland on the bobbin but now I can't find it! So you will have to stay tuned for that shot et to come!

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Tree Nut

I have always been a tree nut; a tree climbing, tree hugging tree nut!

Although a lot of our block is tea tree bush and other woodsy wilderness there are still some corkers amongst our acres - big delicious river red gums, amazing gnarled banksias and some of the most amazing formations I have ever seen.

101113 - Wilderness walk (10)

101113 - Wilderness walk (22)
Two views of the same incredible tree mass by a hook in the river. You can see some of the flotsam in the branches from very high waters.
101113 - Wilderness walk (23)
Are they worshipping the tree in the centre? Is it nature's jungle-gym?

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


This made great big fat tears roll down my cheeks - it is absolutely beautiful.