Sunday, December 14, 2008

Festivuss Craftivuss!

Festivuss crafting has begun!

Well, to be honest it's been going on in the background for a little while now, preparing bits and pieces for card making, knitting away on my brother's scarf, toiling with some handspun that won't behave in the pattern I want it to.. and these little items!

Dec 08 Chrissie knits

Some of you may recognise them - shh! - and I shall show FO photos as soon as they have been gifted, which won't be long now. I so thoroughly enjoy festivuss celebratory crafts almost above all else, and have been having such a magic time this year as I've had more free time to give to such rewarding endeavours :)

Must settle down at home this afternoon though to crank out the cards, otherwise they won't get to their destinations in time!

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