Sunday, June 21, 2009

Jane Austen... now with ultraviolent zombie mayhem!

Ohmigoodness... I am SO excited!

Not so surprising I know since that seems to be my standard state, but still this is VERY fun!

I caught up with my lovely friend Bink yesterday and was gifted a most marvellous book...

Zombie Austen

Now I admit the cover is a little confronting... both Bink and I have to turn the book over when it sits on the ngiht stand.. but it is a MOST hilarious and fabulous read!

Based heavily on the original works of Pride & Prejudice, the new co-author has amended parts of the book, while staying perfectly in sync with Jane Austen's writing style, to incorporate a society beset by plagues of the undead!! hehee!


Michelle said...

I saw this book at Borders on Saturday!! Haha. I was like OMG?? A Zombie version of Pride and Prejudice? Just so you know, I'm reading the original Pride and Prejudice at the moment. It's a slow journey at the moment :P

2paw said...

I bought this for my friend's birthday, along with Lost in Austen and the Anniversary updated P&P. I am being 'good' and waiting to read it after she has. I did read the first chapter and it reads well!!!
In Friends, Joey kept Little Women in the freezer when it got too scary!!!

chroniques d'un petit chien lecteur said...

Hi nice reading your poost